Application Packet
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Septic and Well System Application
Attention Watauga County Subdivision Notice
Supplemental Application Sheets (coming soon)
Application Process
The instrucion pages provided with the application explains in detail the services provided by our department and application process required for each.
The permiting process is specific to the type of construction being applied for; new, expansion, reuse or repair. Read the application instructions thoughly, and please feel free to call the health department if there are any questions.
New Construction
For any new construction of a septic system follow the application packet. This packet gives you all the steps involved in applying for a new septic system. It is very important that all the steps are thought out and completed before submitting an application. This will greatly help to expedite the process.
Expansion of an Existing System
When improving a facility such as adding a bedroom to a house or increasing the number of employees in a business the limiting factor in many cases is the septic system’s design capacity. For instance, if the original septic system was designed to accommodate a three bedroom house and the owners wish to add on a fourth bedroom then an expansion of the existing septic system is required.
The application process for an expansion is much the same as the process for new construction. (Please refer to the application packet for the basic application steps.) However, an expansion also requires locating the existing septic tank, drain field and repair areas. The original permits issued by this department will facilitate finding each of these as well as possibly describing the soil conditions on the property. To find a permit our department needs the year the system was installed and the name that it was installed under. This office recommends that when planning an expansion of any facility, a copy of the Operation Permit is obtained so that the septic system may be taken into account during the planning stage.
As with new construction the site plan and preparation must be completed before submitting an application. But in some cases in order to avoid disturbing the existing septic system, it may be necessary for this department to visit the site prior to having any hole dug on the property.
Reuse of Existing Systems
The reuse of an existing system such as repacing a mobile home with a new mobile home.
- The original permit should be found through our department. To do this the applicant must find the year the system was installed and the name that the septic system was installed under. In some cases the permit number will work.
- The applicant must determine the size and location of the new structure that they wish to connected to the existing septic system. The proposed structure must be staked on the property.
- The septic tank must be located, uncovered, and pumped out. This will allow for our department to inspect the condition of the tank and allow for any upgrades that may be needed. It is perferable to schedule the inspection of the septic tank and drainfield as soon after the tank is pumped out as possible. This is to keep from having to pump out the tank multiple times.
Repairing a Failing System
A failing septic system is typically not something that most people wish to live with for very long. It may begin as slow drains from the toilet, shower or sink located in the area of the residence closest to the septic tank. This symptom usually occurs during times of high water usage and could well be fixed by having the septic tank pumped out and the effluent filter cleaned. If this occurs, pumping the tank is the first thing our department will recommend. There is no permit required to have this done. In fact all tanks should be pumped out every three to five years.
Another symptom of a failing or over used system is a damp area in the drain field area with an intermittent but very distinct odor that will get more frequent and larger over time. If this is the case it again could be fixed easily; possibly by fixing a leaky shower or toilet, or an adjustment of the distribution box. There are many possible solutions including but not limited to the replacement or extension of the drain field. There are many reasons for a system to fail and determining why can take some time and effort. Whatever the cause it is important to always remember that sewage contains viruses and bacteria that are dangerous and should not be ignored!
Any work done on an on-site septic system, even in the case of a failing system, requires a permit. However, this department does not charge a fee or require an application when dealing with a failing system. There may however be some effort involved in finding old permits and property lines.